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One-Click Showering

At GROHE we innovate to enhance the user experience. Conveniently positioned on the back of the hand shower and on the side of the head shower, the One-Click Showering gives you direct access to your preferred spray pattern. Never again will you have to twist the spray face or click through several patterns to reach the one you want. Just press the corresponding button and enjoy.

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Bokoma Spray®

The new Bokoma Spray® spray introduces a breakthrough in spray pattern technology. Harnessing the power of water, eight dynamic spray nozzles create a ‘breathing’ effect as they open and close once a second to recreate the tension-relie ving effect of a fingertip massage. The spray is ideal for a head or shoulder massage.

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GROHE Power&Soul® hand showers give you the benefit of two luxurious Rain sprays: our classic Rain spray and the new air-infused GROHE Rain O² spray. Select the GROHE Rain O² spray and air is drawn into the shower face where it is mixed with high-speed streams of water, resulting in voluminous water droplets and a wider spray.

Spray Patterns

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A soft, smooth spray based on our original Rain spray. Air is drawn into the shower head and mixed with the water for a wider and fuller spray.

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An effective pattern to brace the skin. Mimicking exhilarant heavy rains, the spray provides a full and even coverage.

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Bokoma Spray®

A not just pulsating but moving circular spray for a stimulating massage that unprecedentedly revives the spirit.

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A focused circular spray which delivers a refreshing burst of water. Ideal for stimulating the skin or simply cleaning the bathtub or shower.